Topic: ASTM
J L Ogilvie Moderator
posted 03-03-2004 05:59 PM
It is nice to see several active threads going on throughout this site. As always I am happy to see posts from people that are new to this site.I was just reading in one of the threads about how 20% carry the load for the rest. I also believe that to be true. Thats why I am always amazed at the ASTM meetings when only a handfull of people show up. I can't understand what possible excuse any examiner might have to not be a member. Even if you can't be at the meetings you can have input and be involved in the decision making process. They always try to have one meeting a year that coincides with either the APA or the AAPP, so everyone should be able to make at least one meeting a year. Even if you don't belong you can come to the meetings and be heard. I don't know how many members ASTM now has for our committee (E-52)but even if it were 100 it would not amount to 5% of the profession writing standards for all. Come and help us out. Some day you will need to know what the ASTM standards are. Trust me when I tell you that Attorney's already have heard of ASTM if they do any civil litigation. The next time your in court you might get asked if you followed ASTM standards. Cases have been thrown out of court when people answered that they did not follow ASTM standards. I consider the people who post here to be highly intelligent, motivated professional examiners. Why stop short? Jack ------------------
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Ted Todd Member
posted 03-08-2004 11:49 AM
OK Jack-You win !!I just mailed my check and application today. I got the application from George and Paula last year at AAPP at Hilton Head and have had it on my desk ever since.It is now on its way! Ted IP: Logged |
J L Ogilvie Moderator
posted 03-08-2004 04:45 PM
Ted, thats great. Will we see you in Salt lake? I am looking forward to meeting you whenever and wherever it may be.I appreciate your support as I am sure we will all appreciate your input. How about the rest of you? Thanks, Jack ------------------
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Ted Todd Member
posted 03-09-2004 06:10 PM
Jack, I won't be in Salt Lake as the following month is AAPP in Vancouver which I am planning to attend.Ted
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J L Ogilvie Moderator
posted 03-10-2004 08:00 AM
I will also be at the AAPP also, lets make a point of meeting. I will be the fat guy with glasses. That may not be enough info huh?I'll ask around and you ask around and eventually someone will fill us in. Look forward to seeing you there. Jack ------------------
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Ted Todd Member
posted 03-10-2004 09:45 AM
Jack,Both of us have had the recent misfortune of having our photos(taken at the last AAPP seminar) posted on Take a look and you will find that we probably already know each other. I think we should think about wearing the "Michael Jackson Ski mask" at the next seminar!!!!!!! Take care, Ted IP: Logged |
sackett Moderator
posted 03-10-2004 11:20 AM
Hey guys, what are you complaining about?! Your photo's on George's site? Free advertising is hard to come by...LOL! Look me up at AAPP, I'll be the one with the Cuban cigars... Jim IP: Logged |
J L Ogilvie Moderator
posted 03-10-2004 04:01 PM
Ok Jim, your on. How about the three of us and anyone else that wants to meet for lunch one day? We'll have the first annual "Polygraph Place" (unofficial)luncheon.Anyone out there want to try to set that up? Either way the three of us should sit down and BS. Look forward to seeing you there, Jack ------------------
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sackett Moderator
posted 03-10-2004 07:23 PM
OK! You're on! Let's have the 1st Annual P.P. Luncheon in Vancouver. About 5 years from now we'll be able to have the annual PP (a.k.a. Urination) awards, etc...LOL Look forward to meeting you all, Jim P.S. I certainly expect to see Ralph there, don't you? He can Emcee!
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J L Ogilvie Moderator
posted 03-11-2004 07:31 AM
How about it Ralph, you going to be there? If Ralph is going to be there, on Monday we could sign a sheet at his booth about doing lunch or just getting together and putting names with faces. Jim, keep the faith. Your photo will grace George's pages eventually. I look forward to meeting you (just don't light the Havana). Jack IP: Logged |
J L Ogilvie Moderator
posted 03-11-2004 07:40 AM
By the way Ted, where and when was you photo on George's site?Jack ------------------
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Ted Todd Member
posted 03-11-2004 09:59 AM
Jack,Surf George's site for my name and you will find it. It was the same challenge he made to you. Ted IP: Logged |
detector Administrator
posted 03-11-2004 10:05 AM
Egads! I'm very dissapointed as this sounds like a terrific luncheon and I'LL miss it!We only budgeted for one seminar this year...and APA won because I can save lots of money by driving to Orlando from Atlanta. I'm guessing since it is a Polygraph Place luncheon that I still have to foot the lunch bill?  Will there be an ASTM meeting at APA? ------------------ Ralph Hilliard PolygraphPlace Owner & Operator
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sackett Moderator
posted 03-11-2004 10:30 AM
Ralph,What a guy! I mean... since you're volunteering to pay for lunch, and all, I would never be so rude as to decline. THANKS! We'll send you the bill. Remember, there will be an exchange rate on the cost...don't want to get jipped, ya know!? We'll call it the "Polygraph Place Support Group for Recovering & Working Examiners" LOL! Jim P.S. Do you think we could sneak a spa treatment and a few drinks in with that lunch cost? IP: Logged |
detector Administrator
posted 03-11-2004 10:46 AM
I just spoke with my accountant (wife) and she said 'go for it'. So yes, at first I was joking, but actually I'll never turn down a chance to help polygraph and promote my site at the same time  So in an effort to bring more examiners into the ASTM...I really will sponsor a lunch for you three and whoever you can recruit into ASTM...up to $250. I only ask that you pass out my polygraphplace cards that I'll mail to you to as many AAPP members as possible and ask em to signup for the 'Relevant Issue' and this bulletin board. Sound like a deal? ------------------ Ralph Hilliard PolygraphPlace Owner & Operator
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sackett Moderator
posted 03-11-2004 03:08 PM
Ralph, great idea for a Polygraph Place sponsored luncheon, glad you thought of it! Also, pass my thanks to your accountant. Jack, what info do you have on the ASTM for membership? Application, dues, meetings, etc. See you soon, Jim IP: Logged |
J L Ogilvie Moderator
posted 03-11-2004 04:43 PM
Ralph, sorry you won't be at the AAPP. I will certainly pass out cards for you.As far as a luncheon, that sounds great. Some of us will have to meet Monday and try to work out some details. I just want to meet some of the people I can't put a face to. I am sure I have seen most of you. Anyone wanting to join ASTM can go to their web site at and get whatever info they need. The committee you need is E-52, the sub committee's are listed there. I recommend joing each sub committee so you keep updated on everything that is going on. It is just one price to join ($75) and you get a copy of the published standards once a year (ask for volume 14.02)either inprint or CD. The next meeting is in Salt Lake City March 24th, 25th, and 26th. I believe that this year they will have a meeting on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday prior to the APA seminar. Jack ------------------
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Ted Todd Member
posted 03-11-2004 07:38 PM
Ralph,I'm in for the free lunch but don't cut yourself short. Sacket and Jack are easy....for 250 bucks you can get them to do a lot more than pass out cards! You have my address so make sure I get a few cards to pass out as well. Ted IP: Logged |